DPhil Christopher Jacobi
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Studium der Soziologie in England (Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, Nuffield College, University of Oxford. MSc in Sociology, Oriel College, University of Oxford. BA Sociology, University of Essex). Während des Doktorats Forschungsaufenthalte an der University of Pennsylvania (USA) und an der Bocconi University (Italien). Trainee bei der Europäischen Kommission (Europäischer Forschungsrat) in Brüssel. Von 2019 bis 2023 Arbeit in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in den USA (Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia und Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation) sowie an der Katholischen Universität von Amerika in Washington, D. C.
- Auswertung der 6. Kirchenmitgliedschaftsuntersuchung (KMU), laufend
- Religiosität während der Corona-Pandemie. Die Rolle der Religion zur Krisenbewältigung
- Ästhetische Dimensionen der Wissenschaft
- Weitreichendes Forschungsinteresse zur Lebenszufriedenheit, mentale Gesundheit, Well-being und positiven Psychologie, insbesondere im Schnittpunkt zur Religiosität
- Kirchensoziologische Analysen des katholischen Priestertums, zum Umgang der Kirchen mit der Krise des sexuellen Missbrauchs, zu Reformerwartungen und Vertrauen
Dr. Christopher Jacobi
Arnswaldtstraße 6 │ 30159 Hannover
E-Mail: christopher.jacobi@si-ekd.de
- Jacobi, C. J., Jessani, Z., Varga, P. J., & Vaidyanathan, B. (forthcoming): Individual Differences in Scientists’ Aesthetic Disposition, Aesthetic Experiences, and Aesthetic Sensitivity in Scientific Work. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1197870.
- Vaidyanathan, B., Haraburda, B., & Jacobi, C. J. (2023): Beauty in biology: An empirical assessment. Journal of Biosciences, 48(2), 15.
- Vaidyanathan, B., Jacobi, C. J., Kelly, C. R., White, S., & Perla, S. (2022): Well-being, Trust, and Policy in a Time of Crisis.
- Jacobi, C. J., Varga, P. J., & Vaidyanathan, B. (2022): Aesthetic experiences and flourishing in science: A four-country study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
- Jacobi, C. J., Andronicou, M., & Vaidyanathan, B. (2022): Looking beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Congregants’ Expectations of Future Online Religious Service Attendance. Religions, 13(6), 559.
- Jacobi, C. J., Charles, J., Vaidyanathan, B., Frankham, E., & Haraburda, B. (2022): Stigma toward mental illness and substance use disorders in faith communities: The roles of familiarity and causal attributions. Stigma and Health, 7(2), 234–246.
- Jacobi, C. J., Cowden, R. G., & Vaidyanathan, B. (2022): Associations of Changes in Religiosity With Flourishing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Faith Communities in the United States. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
- Jacobi, C. J., Vaidyanathan, B., & Andronicou, M. (2022): Mental Health Correlates of Sharing Private Problems in Congregations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 61(2), 553–563.
- Jacobi, C. J., & Vaidyanathan, B. (2021): Racial differences in anticipated COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among religious populations in the US. Vaccine, 39(43), 6351–6355.
- Frankham, E., Jacobi, C., & Vaidyanathan, B. (2021): Race, Trust in Police, and Mental Health Crisis Support. Contexts, 20(3), 60–62.
- Jacobi, C. J., Thiel, D., & Allum, N. (2020): Enabling and constraining successful reablement: Individual and neighbourhood factors. PLOS ONE, 15(9), e0237432.